Encryption can be defined as being the process through which data is encoded in order to remain hidden from or inaccessible to unauthorized users. It helps protect sensitive data, private information, and can improve the security of communication between servers and client apps. In fact, when your data is encrypted, even if an unauthorized entity or person gains access to it, they will not be able to read it.

Nowadays, businesses use encryption to protect corporate secrets, governments use it as a security measure for important information, and many individuals use it to protect personal information to guard against things like identity theft. Any folder contents, which could include tax information, credit card numbers, emails, chat histories, or any other sensitive information can’t be easily protected by using the encryption process. Hence, even if your computer is stolen, that data is completely safe.

The process of encryption is fairly straightforward. In order to encrypt data, an encryption key uses an encryption algorithm to encode/translate plaintext or readable data into ciphertext or unreadable data. Only the corresponding decryption key can decode/transform the scrambled ciphertext back into readable plaintext.

There are two types of encryption algorithms: asymmetric and symmetric. In symmetric algorithm, both encryption and decryption keys are the same, so the same key must be used to enable secure communication. With an asymmetric algorithm encryption, two distinct but mathematically connected encryption keys are used. A public key is used to encrypt the data and a private key is used to decrypt the data and, therefore, is kept private. The reverse also could be implemented: a private key can be used to encrypt data while a public key can be used for decryption.

We frequently analyze elements regarding data privacy, the benefits of encryption and how to identify threats to protect your business. Thus, in upcoming posts, we will present you other key tools that can be used to keep your system safe. If you are interested about how we can help improve your cyber-security defenses, do not hesitate to Contact Us.