[readmore-link align=”left” button=”Live Demo” links=”https://startup.itsolutionstonight.com/”]

StartUp WordPress theme is built for IT Companies and tech startups as well as for any other small businesses which consider themselves as startups. This theme is responsive and Google mobile friendly and has been tested with cross browsers as well as several devices.

Works out of the box with WooCommerce latest version as well as backwards compatibility. It also works with contact form 7 plugin out of the box and has been tested extensively.

The uniqueness of the homepage is that it has been created to handle about 20 sections of content so you can even have a long landing page or a one page style of website in case you are looking for one for your product or your ebook or any other type of App as well.

StartUp WordPress theme focusses on different ideas of startups as each one of them is unique to their idea and style and hence this theme allows you to change colours.

This responsive startUp WordPress theme also covers different aspects like contact forms, shortcodes for content set up of various types, team members area, about us, page templates, service boxes and others.