[readmore-link align=”left” button=”Live Demo” links=”https://legal-expert.itsolutionstonight.com/”]

Legal Expert WordPress theme is our latest offering for lawyer, attorney, law firm and legal services companies website. These companies need to showcase legal case studies and hence a lot of shortcodes for laying out the content as needed has been done. Legal companies need to showcase gallery of their office premises as well as lawyers who will work on cases so that a sense of trust is generated.

We have call to action with phone number on the top, services and Why us area because law and justice work is based on trust and hence the site or business should look authentic in everyway possible. Social icons on the top also can be used to share reviews and your social media pages so that it brings in the reviews posted on these websites which also adds to the sense of security. We have team members area so that lawyers profiles can be showcased nicely.

Each lawyer profile can then be linked to a larger page whereby details or bio of the lawyer can be explained properly. Clients area can have as many icons as needed so that it shows the previous clientele or brands the firm has been associated with. Testimonials show the previous clients reviews given which adds to the overall trust worthiness of the website and the business.

Inner pages have 5 different kinds of templates which includes full width with no sidebar, and left and right sidebar. Sidebar is completely widgetized where you can have as many widgets as you want. Blog sidebar is separate since you may want separate items in sidebar of the blog. Blog also has left, right and full width and no sidebar capability. Blog can be used here to showcase case studies of previous cases.