[readmore-link align=”left” button=”Live Demo” links=”https://music-studio.itsolutionstonight.com/”]

Our music studio WordPress theme melody is suitable for rock bands as well as musicians or music studios. Rock bands or musicians can display their album, tour dates etc. Our music studio WordPress theme comprises of home page showing a slider which can be used to showcase recent performances or whatever you want to convey quickly to a visitor.

Next comes 3 sections on the home page. Welcome section can be used to write hi and hello welcoming the visitor to your website. Tour dates show the events or timeline all throughout the year. Listen section has an active audio player for sample songs of latest album or release. Biography can be used to speak about the band or the musician.

Gallery section shows the recent or the ones you want to share with your audience. Pictures often speak more than words. Hence this section can speak volumes about your groups’ performances past as well as recent. Blog section comes handy to connect with your fans. It also comes handy immensely in writing fresh content to make your website grow in terms of traffic.

Also one can have special offers, special ticket passes for few lucky ones, press releases etc on a blog. Contact area can display contact person and phone number and other ways your fans can connect with you. Our music studio WordPress theme also has theme options, google fonts, and shortcodes to make it easy for users to add more dynamic content into their website.

It is also integrated with social media icons since people connect more on these sites nowadays.Music page is the most important page as it showcases all the albums of your music studio.