[readmore-link align=”left” button=”Live Demo” links=”https://nature-one.itsolutionstonight.com/”]

Love nature and want your design to reflect the natural colors. We have just the right WordPress theme for you then. Nature One WordPress theme gets to the core of the earth and brings out the natural colors within it. Our nature WordPress theme serves the purpose of anyone who wants a website for nature theme. Also it serves the purpose of anyone who is into gardening, landscaping or similar businesses.

Our Nature One WordPress theme just like the others is responsive for hand held devices as well as tablets. The home page has nice faded slider. The slider has capability to change many transitions. There are 4 content boxes thereafter which can be used to either showcase services or short snippets of content. Recent works can be used to showcase the works done recently or recent projects.

About us as it name suggests gives us an idea of the site or company owner. And the team behind the site. Services section again presents nice content boxes and makes use of css 3 animations. Portfolio section shows the images, video and all by default. The theme comes with theme options and host of other features with a default contact form with captcha. Blog section to have content in articles fashion one after the other.